【同义词辨析】 2017-09-20 通常usual-accustomed

usual: stresses ABSENCE of strangeness and unexpectedness, and may apply to what is normal: my ~ order for lunch.

customary: applies to what accords with practice, convention or usage of an individual or community: a ~ waiting period before remarrying.  

habitual: sug. a practice settled or established by much repetition: a ~ excercise regime(锻炼方法) that served me well.

wonted: sug. habitation, but oft implies what is favored, or cultivated: his ~ pleasure has lost its appeal.

accustomed: less emphatic than habitual or wonted in suggesting fixed habit or invariable custom: accepted the compliment with her ~ modesty.

usual通常:强调不奇怪不出意料,可表示正常(normal同义), customary常规: 符合常规实践(practice, convention, usage), habitual习惯: 大量重复-->固定下来, wonted: 通常用于爱好或个人培养的习惯, accustomed: 同样表示习惯, 但没有habitual和wonted一样的强调

记忆方法: 1) UCHWA首字母联想CHU WA-->农民春耕夏耘习惯性动作

        2)通常的意思是因重复熟悉mean familiar through frequent or regular repetition.